Cats. Who on the interwebs doesn't love cats?
brew install imagemagickcopy iTerm2's imgcat script into your path
Test: display built-in image
convert rose: - | imgcat /dev/stdin
Pretty Title
convert -background lightblue -fill blue -font Tahoma -size 165x70 label:Anthony z.png && imgcat z.png
Good Job, Bub!
curl -s | imgcat /dev/stdin
Note the "Tahoma" font used above is probably only on macOS. Choose another font that's installed into ImageMagick. What fonts are those, you say? Here you go:
List ImageMagick Fonts (Awk FTW)
$ convert -list font | awk '/Font:/ {print $2} {next}' | pr -4t
AndaleMono BigCaslonM Herculanum TimesNewRomanBI
AppleChancery BrushScriptI HoeflerTextOrname TimesNewRomanI
AppleMyungjo Chalkduster Impact Trebuchet
Arial ComicSans InaiMathi TrebuchetMSB
ArialB ComicSansMSB Kokonor TrebuchetMSBI
ArialBI CourierNew Krungthep TrebuchetMSI
ArialBk CourierNewB MicrosoftSansSeri Verdana
ArialI CourierNewBI PlantagenetCherok VerdanaB
ArialNarrow CourierNewI Sathu VerdanaBI
ArialNarrowB GB18030Bitmap Silom VerdanaI
ArialNarrowBI Georgia Skia Webdings
ArialNarrowI GeorgiaB Tahoma Wingdings
ArialRoundedB GeorgiaBI TahomaB Wingdings2
ArialUnicode GeorgiaI TimesNewRoman Wingdings3
Ayuthaya Gurmukhi TimesNewRomanB Zapfino