Here's the magic to do scanning from the automatic feeder:
scanimage --format=tiff --batch='page%02d.tif' --source='Automatic Document Feeder'more info:
This blog is for technical and personal posts. Over different jobs over the years I've written hundreds of articles, and now it's time to share with everyone!
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knife configure
$ edit ~/.chef/knife.rb
cookbook_path [ './site-cookbooks' ]
use Knife to create a Cookbook
$ knife cookbook create beer** Creating cookbook beer
** Creating README for cookbook: beer
** Creating CHANGELOG for cookbook: beer
** Creating metadata for cookbook: beer
When the "beer" cookbook runs, it creates a file in /tmp
$ edit site-cookbooks/beer/recipes/default.rb'/tmp/beer.txt', 'w') {|f| f.write('tasty\n') }
Tell Vagrant to use Chef, and to run "beer" recipe
$ edit Vagrantfile
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "site-cookbooks"
chef.add_recipe "beer"
Boot the VM, thus running chef-client and our beer recipe
$ vagrant up
Verify it worked
$ vagrant ssh -c 'cat /tmp/beer.txt'