Monday, October 24, 2011

Linux is awsome

At work we process many millions of emails a day, so we get a lot of bounces. The following code helps me make the system smarter. It translates to "for the most recent five users who's received a bounce message, find all of their bounces in the last 24 hours and show me the Subject lines, with user and date information."

find `ls -1t | head -5` -type f -mtime -1 -print0 | xargs -0 egrep Subject /dev/null | less

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Webex with Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot

Read elsewhere how to install all the needed dependencies. Here's a magic bit:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb natty partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin

A final trick: I use Firefox for work stuff, and Chrome for personal tasks -- thus I don't have to deal with multiple profiles, nor does sketchiness in one browser affect the other.